Season 1 has been a journey from all of us at the SileightyMania Podcast. Our graphic designer Steven Nakamura is an OG in his own right, and you get to hear from him because he finally joins us in the studio. Bring your own beverage for this one...
In Part 1 of our Hawaii series brought to you by In4mation, our good friend Layton Takaesu gives us one propah kine podcast intro, teaches us some Pidgin and then recounts some of his memories seeing early drifting on Oahu when he was a kid. ...
Tommy Chen founded SpeedTrial USA, a group that hosted road racing events in the 90s. With his friends, he was able to get Option Video with Keiichi Tsuchiya, Nomuken, and Daijiro Inada to come host the very first drifting competition on US soil in...
Toshiki Yoshioka started drifting in 1996 when he discovered it at touge as a young boy in Japan. In this episode of the Sileighty Mania Podcast, he talks about how he got started with drifting and became a member of Team Bross Running Crazies...
Mark Hutchinson and Dave Scholz met in the late 90s and became America’s first drift team known as Slide Squad. In this episode, hear about their adventures both in Japan and the USA with infamous people like Nobushige Kumakubo, Hideo Hiraoka...
I came up with the idea of my podcast on August 9, 2020. It was an "aha" moment where many things in my life all pointed me the realization that the world needs this podcast. I was excited for several weeks and then I let the self-doubt creep in.